JEL Regula Standard:

99% selectivity in grading of expanded polystyrene (EPS)

The JEL Regula Standard was primarily developed for the classification screening of expandable polystyrene (EPS). However, it is also used in other industrial sectors: Whenever the installation space is limited and several fractions are to be classified within one screening process, the JEL Regula Standard is the suitable solution.

The special vibrating screening machine can be equipped with up to 24 screen decks, together providing a screening area of up to 22 m2. Thanks to the vibrating screen process, the JEL Regula Standard achieves separation efficiencies of up to 99%.

Highlights of the JEL Regula Standard

Easy screen change by using lifting device

Flexible configuration of the sieve stack possible

Low space requirement

Low energy consumption due to flywheel drive

Adjustable sieve inclination

Adjustable product flow per screen insert

Features of the JEL Regula Standard

Parts in contact with the product made of aluminium/stainless steel

Motorised sieve inclination adjustment

Speed adjustment by means of frequency converter on request

Equipped with up to 24 removable sieve screens (max. 22 m² sieve surface)

Up to 8 fractions

Separation of coarse and fine fractions in one screening process

Various screen cleaning systems

Optimum product layer height can be regulated per sieve inserter

Sieve inserts optionally with viewing window

Lifting device for sieve change

Ioniser to minimise electrostatic charge

ATEX-construction possible

Method of operation of the JEL Regula Standard

In addition to the base frame and the integrated sieve stack, the frame yoke for holding the sieve stack and the drive are essential components. The flywheel drive, which is based on mass balancing, ensures a continuous screening process during classification with a horizontal product movement.

The EPS is classified from fine to coarse. For this purpose, the JEL Regula Standard is equipped with increasingly coarser sieve inserts from top to bottom. The coarse material is carried along in the overall screen material to the end of the screen mesh and also serves as a screening aid.

For the best possible sieving results, the layer height of the product on the individual sieve decks can be adjusted and checked through viewing windows.

The adjustable screen inclination in conjunction with the product distribution plates used and the ball cleaning of the screen mesh ensure optimum throughput rates with high separation efficiency.

Advantages of the JEL Regula Standard

Precise and gentle grading of EPS

Adjustable product flow per screen deck during operation (without downtimes)

High separation accuracy during classification (up to 99%)

Simple adjustment of the screening surfaces to individual fractions

Low space requirement due to screen decks arranged one above the other

Simple and fast screen inserter change

Low energy requirement (e.g. 3.5 kW with 17.8 m² sieving surface)

Low-noise operation(75-78 dB(A))

Low dynamic forces

Dust-free process

So einfach verhelfen wir Ihnen zu produktiver SiebtechnikThis is how easy it is for us to help you achieve productive sieving technology
Get your JEL Regula Standard in 3 steps


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