We have suitable formulations –
for foods too

Huge variety of formulations, ingredients and end products, elaborated manufacturing processes with strict hygiene requirements – that is what the food sector means for us. Baked goods, pasta manufacture, sweets or drinks:  Engelsmann equipment can be used everywhere when bulk solids need to be handled.

Excerpt of our product expertise:

  • Flavorings
  • Poppy seeds
  • Dextrin
  • Carotinoids
  • Fish food
  • Feed meal
  • Spice mixtures
  • Oat flakes
  • Insects
  • St. John’s wort pods
  • Caramel
  • Cocoa
  • Coconut shells
  • Milk powder
  • Nut flakes
  • Pepper
  • Soy meal
  • Tea
  • Dried onions
  • Wheat bran
  • Sugar

Our package:
Quality, Individuality, Safety and Hygiene.

Well though-out solution designs – Suitable for your specific application

High quality components and systems, that are individually adaptable and easy to operate.

Strictest safety even in sensitive areas like explosion or containment zones

Hygienic Design: Dead-space free constructions, stainless steels in V4A quality, compliant sealing materials and various surface treatments and coarseness depths.

Traceability of all parts to their origin

Comprehensive documentation package for your qualification (IQ, OQ, DQ) or fault-free operation and compliance with FDA, EC 1935/2004 or GMP.

Project Highlights

Get your sector solution
in 3 steps


Wir hören zu, stellen Fragen und machen Vorschläge.We listen, ask questions and make suggestions.

Wir analysieren Ihr Problem ganz genau und zeigen Lösungsmöglichkeiten. Versuche im Technikum mit Ihrem Originalprodukt geben Verfahrenssicherheit.We analyze your problem in detail and show you possible solutions. Tests in the pilot plant with your original product provide process reliability.


Ihre Engelsmann-Lösung entstehtYour Engelsmann solution is developed

Jetzt beginnt die Arbeit unserer Konstrukteure. In Abstimmung mit Ihnen nimmt die Maschine oder Anlage Gestalt an. Nach der Freigabe durch Sie übernimmt dann unser Fertigungsteam.Now the work of our design engineers begins. In coordination with you, the machine or plant takes shape. After your approval, our production team takes over.


Läuft.It works.

Ihr Engelsmann-Equipment ist fertig. Bei Bedarf sorgt unser Serviceteam für eine reibungslose Integration und Inbetriebnahme. Und ist auch im Anschluss für Sie da.Your Engelsmann equipment is ready. If required, our service team will ensure smooth integration and commissioning. And is also there for you afterwards.