Company identification
J. Engelsmann AG
Frankenthaler Str. 137 – 141
D-67059 Ludwigshafen
Directors with right of representation:
Christian Kretzu, Christian Wernicke
Telephone: +49(0)621 59002-0
Fax: +49(0)621 59002-76
Registered Court: Court of Ludwigshafen
Registration number: HRB 1089
VAT ID number according to § 27 a VAT Law: DE 149147201
Person responsible for the journalistic/editorial content of this internet page:
Christian Wernicke
J. Engelsmann AG
Frankenthaler Str. 137 – 141
D-67059 Ludwigshafen
Telephone: +49(0)621 59002-27
Fax: +49(0)621 59002-550
Web design & Web programming:
Kaiser-Joseph-Straße 274
79098 Freiburg
Notice regarding links:
As far as links to external websites are set on this website, we do not adopt the contents there as our own. The operators of these sites are solely responsible for the content. At the time of linking, the links to external websites were checked for illegal content on these sites; no violations were found. A constant check of the content of these pages is not reasonable without concrete evidence of a violation of the law. If any infringements become known, the links will be removed immediately.
Copyright notice:
All contents of this website are subject to protection under the German Copyright Act (UrhG) and may not be used for personal or third-party purposes without explicit permission, with the exception of purely private use. Please direct any enquiries in this regard to the address above.
Information about the OS platform:
Link to the platform (OS platform) of the EU Commission as contact point for out-of-court settlement of disputes: (Email-Adresse: There is neither an obligation to participate in a dispute proceedings nor a fundamental willingness to do so.